STEM Keşif Kampanyası, Scientix tarafından birçok kuruluş ve projeyle işbirliği içinde koordine edilen ve Şubat ayının başından Nisan ayının sonuna kadar Avrupa'da ve ötesinde kutlanan Bilim, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematiği (STEM) teşvik eden yıllık bir girişimdir. Bu yılki tema, öğrencilerin akademik başarılarında, kariyer hedeflerinde ve oryantasyonlarında önemli rol oynayan bir kavram olan 'STEM Kimlikleri'. Bir STEM kimliği geliştirmek, öğrencilerin bilim okuryazarlığı geliştirme olasılığını artırır ve hatta bazıları bir STEM kariyerine devam edebilir. Detaylı bilgi için burayı tıklayınız
Join the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign, a joint international initiative organised by Scientix that invites educators, projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities, youth clubs and all the interested stakeholders across Europe and the world to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
The theme for the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign is STEM Identities. STEM identity plays an important role in an individual’s success in educational environments, their career goals and orientation. Developing a STEM identity increases the likelihood that learners will develop science literacy – some might even follow a STEM career path.
We invite everyone to get involved in the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign by organizing, conducting and taking part in various STEM activities and featuring them on the STEM Discovery Campaign map, becoming partners and participating in our competitions as well as other online events!
Add your STEM activity on the Map!
Are you participating in a STEM activity between February and April 2023? Include it on the map! Sign in to your (free) Scientix account and put your activity on a world map.
You want to participate?
Will you be organising, conducting and/or taking part in STEM activities during these three months? Are you interested in showcasing any projects? Are you a teacher or an organisation working in STEM? All STEM-related actions can be included on the STEM Discovery Campaign map and help spark learners’ interest in STEM and shape their STEM identities!
Are you interested in becoming a partner?
Public and privately funded projects, non-governmental and governmental organizations, universities, libraries, youth clubs, companies and schools active in STEM education are welcome to join the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign as partners. By committing to the SDC23, the partners agree to:
For more information on the registration steps that potential partners need to follow, please download the guide for partners document and fill in the form. For general information and promotional materials, visit the official page of the 2023 STEM Discovery Campaign on the Scientix portal.